St Thomas’ Episcopal School - Houston
4900 Jackwood
Houston, TX 77096
Phone: 713-666-3111
Fax: 713-668-3887
Grades: K-12
Website: stes.org
Tenney School, The
3500 South Gessner
Houston, TX 77063
Phone: 713-783-6990
Fax: 713-783-0786
Grades: 06-12
Website: tenneyschool.com
Texas Christian School - Houston
17810 Keith Harrow
Houston, TX 77084
Phone: 281-550-6060
Fax: 281-550-2400
Grades: PK-12
Website: texaschristianschool.org
Torah Day School
10900 Fondern
Houston, TX 77096
Phone: 713-777-2000
Fax: 713-776-0036
Grades: K-08
Website: tdshouston.org
Torah Girls Academy
10101 Fondren Road, Suite 136
Houston, TX 77096
Phone: 713-936-0644
Grades: 09-12
Website: tgatexas.org
Trafton Academy
4711 McDermed Street
Houston, TX 77035
Phone: 713-723-3732
Fax: 713-723-1844
Grades: PK-08
Website: trafton.org
Trinity Klein Lutheran School - Spring
18926 Klein Church Road
Klein, TX 77379
Phone: 281-376-5810
Fax: 281-251-7021
Grades: EE-08
Website: trinityklein.org/school
Trinity Lutheran School - Houston
1316 Washington Avenue
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: 713-229-2901
Fax: 713-224-1163
Grades: PK-K
Website: trinitydt.org
University of Houston Child Care Center
4139 Wheeler Street
Houston, TX 77204
Phone: 832-842-0500
Fax: 713-548-5489
Grades: EE-PK
Website: uh.edu/cc
University of Texas Health Science Center -
Child Development Center
7900 Cambridge - CDC 321
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: 713-500-8454
Fax: 713-500-8450
Grades: PK
Website: uth.tmc.edu
Veritas Christian Academy of Houston
7000 Ferris Street
Bellaire, TX 77401
Phone: 713-773-9605
Fax: 713-773-9753
Grades: PK-08
Website: veritasca.org
Village School, The
2005 Gentryside Drive
Houston, TX 77077
Phone: 281-496-7900
Fax: 281-496-7799
Grades: PK-12
Website: thevillageschool.com
Wesley Academy
10570 Westpark Drive
Houston, TX 77042
Phone: 713-266-3341
Fax: 713-458-4766
Grades: PK-08
Website: wesleyacademy.net
Westbury Christian School
10420 Hillcroft Street
Houston, TX 77096
Phone: 713-723-8100
Fax: 713-551-8117
Grades: PK3-12
Website: westburychristian.org
Western Academy
1511 Butlercrest
Houston, TX 77080
Phone: 713-461-7000
Fax: 832-408-7861
Grades: K-08
Website: westernacademy.net
Westminster Christian Academy
670 East Medical Center Blvd
Webster, TX 77598
Phone: 281-280-9829
Fax: 281-990-9739
Grades: 07-12
Website: wca-lions.org
Westside Montessori School
13555 Briar Forest Drive
Houston, TX 77077
Phone: 281-556-5970
Grades: PK-07
Website: westsidemontessori.com
Westview School, The
1900 Kersten Drive
Houston, TX 77043
Phone: 713-973-1900
Fax: 713-973-1970
Grades: EE-09
Website: westviewschool.org