Fort Worth Can Academy - Westcreek
6620 Westcreek Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Phone: 817-531-3223
Fax: 817-531-0443
Grades: 09-12
Website: texanscan.org/schools-and-programs/
Harmony School of Innovation - Euless
701 South Industrial Blvd, Suite 115
Euless, TX 76040
Phone: 817-554-2800
Fax: 817-684-9405
Grades: K-06
Website: hsieuless.harmonytx.org
Harmony School of Innovation - Fort Worth
8100 South Hulen Street
Fort Worth, TX 76123
Phone: 817-386-5505
Fax: 817-977-1727
Grades: 06-12
Website: hsifortworth.harmonytx.org
Harmony Science Academy - Euless
701 South Industrial Blvd, Suite 115
Euless, TX 76040
Phone: 817-354-3000
Fax: 817-354-3008
Grades: 07-12
Website: hsaeuless.harmonytx.org
Harmony Science Academy - Fort Worth
5651 West Creek Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Phone: 817-263-0700
Fax: 817-263-0705
Grades: K-05
Website: hsafortworth.harmonytx.org
High Point Academy
1256 North Jim Wright Frwy
Fort Worth, TX 76108
Phone: 817-600-6401
Fax: 855-420-6775
Grades: K-12
Website: hpafortworth.com
High Point Academy SFW
7225 Crowley Road
Fort Worth, TX 76134
Grades: K-04
Website: hpafortworth.com/tag/new-campus
International Leadership of Texas -
East Fort Worth Elementary
5901 Boca Raton Blvd
Fort Worth, TX 76112
Phone: 817-395-1776
Fax: 817-446-4270
Grades: K-05
Website: iltexasefwk8.org
International Leadership of Texas -
East Fort Worth High School
5901 Boca Raton Blvd
Fort Worth, TX 76112
Phone: 817-395-1776
Fax: 817-446-4270
Grades: 09
Website: iltexasefwk8.org
International Leadership of Texas -
East Fort Worth Middle
5901 Boca Raton Blvd
Fort Worth, TX 76112
Phone: 817-395-1776
Fax: 817-446-4270
Grades: 06-08
Website: iltexasefwk8.org
International Leadership of Texas -
Keller Elementary/Middle School
2301 Heritage Trace Pkwy
Fort Worth, TX 76177
Phone: 817-665-0646
Fax: 817-232-8220
Grades: K-08
Website: iltexaskk8.com
International Leadership of Texas -
Keller-Saginaw High School
10537 Northwest Hwy 287
Fort Worth, TX 76131
Phone: 682-250-3701
Fax: 817-306-6039
Grades: 09-12
Website: iltexaskhs.com
International Leadership of Texas - North
Richland Hills Elementary/Middle School
4131 Rufe Snow Drive
North Richland Hills, TX 76180
Phone: 817-576-9031
Grades: K-08
Website: iltexasnrhk8.com
International Leadership of Texas - Saginaw
500 North Old Decatur Road
Saginaw, TX 76179
Phone: 682-250-3600
Fax: 817-232-8225
Grades: K-08
Website: iltexassaginawk8.org
Jean Massieu Academy
823 North Center Street
Arlington, TX 76011
Phone: 817-460-0396
Fax: 817-460-9867
Grades: PK-12
Website: jeanmassieu.com
Manara STEM Academy
6101 South Collins Street
Arlington, TX 76018
Phone: 972-304-1155
Fax: 972-304-1150
Grades: PK-08
Website: manaraarlington.ss13.sharpschool.com
Newman International Academy at Grace
308 West Park Row Drive
Arlington, TX 76010
Phone: 817-655-2156
Fax: 817-394-6155
Grades: K-05
Website: niag.newmanacademy.org