Diocese of Austin Office of Education
6225 Hwy 290 East
Austin, TX 78723
County: Travis
Phone: 512-949-2400
Fax: 512-949-2520
Grades: PK-12
Superintendent: Misty Poe
Facilities Director: Patrick Baker
Chief Financial Officer: Mary Beth Koenig
Cathedral School of St Mary
910 San Jacinto
Austin, TX 78701
County: Travis
Phone: 512-476-1480
Fax: 512-476-9922
Grades: PK3-08
Holy Family Catholic School
9400 Neenah Avenue
Austin, TX 78717
County: Williamson
Phone: 512-246-4455
Fax: 512-246-4454
Grades: PK4-08
Holy Trinity Catholic High School
6608 West Adams Avenue
Temple, TX 76502
County: Bell
Phone: 254-771-0787
Fax: 254-771-2285
Grades: 09-12
Reicher Catholic High School
2102 North 23rd Street
Waco, TX 76708
County: McLennan
Phone: 254-752-8349
Fax: 254-752-8408
Grades: 09-12
Sacred Heart Catholic School
545 East Pearl Street
La Grange, TX 78945
County: Fayette
Phone: 979-968-3223
Fax: 979-968-6382
Grades: PK3-06
San Juan Diego Catholic High School
800 Herndon Lane
Austin, TX 78704
County: Travis
Phone: 512-804-1935
Fax: 512-804-1937
Grades: 08-12
Santa Cruz Catholic School
1100 Main Street
Buda, TX 78610
County: Hays
Phone: 512-312-2137
Fax: 512-312-2143
Grades: PK4-08
St Austin Catholic School
1911 San Antonio Street
Austin, TX 78705
County: Travis
Phone: 512-477-3751
Fax: 512-477-3079
Grades: PK3-08
St Dominic Savio Catholic High School
9300 Neenah Avenue
Austin, TX 78717
County: Williamson
Phone: 512-388-8846
Fax: 512-388-1335
Grades: 09-12
St Gabriel’s Catholic School
2500 Wimberly Lane
Austin, TX 78735
County: Travis
Phone: 512-327-7755
Fax: 512-327-4334
Grades: JK-08
St Helen School - Georgetown
2700 East University Avenue
Georgetown, TX 78626
County: Williamson
Phone: 512-868-0744
Fax: 512-869-3244
Grades: PK4-08
St Ignatius Martyr Catholic School
120 West Oltorf
Austin, TX 78704
County: Travis
Phone: 512-442-8547
Fax: 512-442-8685
Grades: PK3-08
St Joseph Catholic Elementary School
901 East Williams Joel Bryan Pkwy
Bryan, TX 77802
County: Brazos
Phone: 979-822-6643
Fax: 979-779-3120
Grades: PK-05
St Joseph Catholic School - Bryan
600 South Coulter Drive
Bryan, TX 77803
County: Brazos
Phone: 979-822-6641
Fax: 979-779-2810
Grades: 06-12
St Joseph Catholic School - Killeen
2901 East Rancier Avenue
Killeen, TX 76543
County: Bell
Phone: 254-634-7272
Fax: 254-634-1224
Grades: PK3-06
St Louis Catholic School - Austin
2114 Saint Joseph Blvd
Austin, TX 78757
County: Travis
Phone: 512-614-6622
Fax: 512-454-7252
Grades: PK4-08