Regents School of Austin
3230 Travis Country Circle
Austin, TX 78735
Phone: 512-899-8095
Fax: 512-899-8623
Grades: K-12
Website: www.regentsaustin.org
Renaissance Academy
14401 Owen-Tech Blvd
Austin, TX 78728
Phone: 512-252-2277
Fax: 512-252-2275
Grades: PK-12
Website: www.racademy.org
St Andrew’s Episcopal Lower & Middle School
1112 West 31st Street
Austin, TX 78705
Phone: 512-299-9800
Fax: 512-299-9822
Grades: K-08
Website: sasaustin.org
St Francis School
300 East Huntland Drive
Austin, TX 78752
Phone: 512-454-0848
Fax: 512-453-2982
Grades: PK-08
Website: stfrancis-school.org
St Gabriel’s Catholic School
2500 Wimberly Lane
Austin, TX 78735
Phone: 512-327-7755
Fax: 512-327-4334
Grades: PK-08
Website: www.sgs-austin.org
St George’s Episcopal School - Austin
4301 North IH 35
Austin, TX 78722
Phone: 512-452-6063
Fax: 512-532-8137
Grades: PK
Website: stgeorges-austin.com
St James’ Episcopal School of Austin
1941 Webberville Road
Austin, TX 78721
Phone: 512-926-4214
Fax: 512-926-1215
Grades: PK-K
Website: stjamesepiscopalschool.org
St Louis Catholic School - Austin
2114 Saint Joseph Blvd
Austin, TX 78757
Phone: 512-614-6622
Fax: 512-454-7252
Grades: PK-08
Website: st-louis.org
St Matthew’s Episcopal School - Austin
8134 Mesa Drive
Austin, TX 75759
Phone: 512-345-3040
Fax: 512-345-5866
Grades: PK-K
Website: stmatthewsschoolaustin.com
St Stephen’s Episcopal School Austin
6500 Saint Stephen’s Drive
Austin, TX 78746
Phone: 512-327-1213
Fax: 512-327-1311
Grades: 06-12
Website: www.sstx.org
Stonehill Christian Academy
900 East Pecan Street , Suite 300 PMB 256
Pflugerville, TX 78660
Phone: 512-763-2776
Fax: 866-455-2381
Grades: PK-08
Website: www.stonehillchristianacademy.org
Summit Christian Academy of Cedar Park
2121 Cypress Creek Road
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Phone: 512-250-1369
Fax: 512-257-1851
Grades: K-12
Website: www.summiteagles.org
Trinity Episcopal School - Austin
3901 Bee Cave Road
Austin, TX 78746
Phone: 512-472-9525
Fax: 512-472-2337
Grades: K-08
Website: trinitykids.com
Upbring School of Art and Sciences -
Central Austin Campus
3407 Red River Street
Austin, TX 78705
Phone: 512-472-3313
Fax: 512-469-0785
Grades: EE-K
Website: splaustin.com
Veritas Academy
4220 Monterey Oaks Blvd
Austin, TX 78749
Phone: 512-891-1673
Fax: 512-891-1693
Grades: PK-12
Website: veritasacademy.net
New Beginnings Christian School
10256 Flynn Road
Warren, TX 77664
Phone: 409-834-2815
Fax: 409-834-2010
Grades: K-12
St Philip’s Episcopal School Uvalde
343 North Getty
Uvalde, TX 78801
Phone: 830-278-1350
Fax: 830-278-2093
Grades: K3-04
Website: www.spesuvalde.org